I remember feeling like Joseph [of the Old Testament] on a few occasions when I had these "dreams from God". I felt so special when [the others] heard my dreams and were blown away. When they said they wished for such dreams, I blushed, but inwardly I beamed. I'm sure [my closest friend and spiritual "leader"] did too.
It didn't feel like pride. We knew we were given "gifts". We told people that these gifts were undeserved and on some level we believed it. We also wanted everyone to be able to experience what we did (that's good, right?), so we taught them in our ways of being. That's how I lost myself and contributed to others losing themselves.
I contacted an old guy friend this week - one that was close to us, who, of course, fell for the "leader" (Oh! Lust, I mean! It was lust and it was demonic and predatory!). He was confronted by us, castigated by us (until he repented, of course), and he eventually distanced himself from us. It turns out, he didn't think they/we were wrong in our treatment of him.
When I contacted him and asked him about it, he said that the group was "frustrating" because of "personal drama", and that the church he was attending at the time was simply "too prosperity gospel". Read: All the other stuff was cool????
What'd I expect from a seminary student? We, in the Church, eat up things that beat us down.We just love conviction. Why? Is it just masochism? That may be part of it, but I think we love it too because it gives us things to "work on", which gives us a sense of purpose and control. When we incrementally improve in those areas, it affirms our beliefs in our faith, our identity, and in either/both self-efficacy and God-efficacy.
It's funny. One of the things they emphasized in my group was that you don't do anything to change yourself. God does the work, yay! In theory it sounds great. But... God can't just do work against your will! You have to let God work. Or, invite him to work. Well, you can't just say the words. You have to open your heart. Well, you have to let go of your idols, otherwise there is no room for God! Oh, you don't know what your idols are? You have to be vigilant. Be a little suspicious of all you do during this period of discernment. Always question your motives. Ask your friends who have the gift of prophecy about your motives! They can probably see behind the veil that you can't. You are too close to yourself to know your true motives.
Unless you can hear from God yourself. It can be hard to hear God due to distractions and sins, demons and that sort of thing. You should create a "sacred place" to pray. And don't just pray, you have to listen! And you can't just listen; you won't hear anything unless you have faith. You have to "press in" and listen "expectantly".
This type of prayer
Isolate yourself in a sacred space or within a shared sacred space. Think of and pray for a revelation of anything that could possibly stand in your way of understanding the "truth" your head knows but your heart won't believe.
This is tough and painful. It probably means rooting out forgotten and untouched recollections of your broken family, how you were raised, past experiences with any form of possible abuse, patterns that the past has created in your life, how you live into it now... Then, once you see where the problem is (which God revealed to you), you need to pray about it. Think about it and look vigilantly (again) at how those patterns are still played out in your daily life, as they inevitably are. Recognize your brokenness and its implications, and pray for healing. Pour yourself out in the presence of God for healing. Share with others who will pray for and affirm you. Seek visions and images in prayer so that God may use them to tweak your understanding of who you are in Him and the truth, which is not what your experiences have been. They truly happened, but they only enacted lies that have twisted your perception of God, yourself, and others.
Through prayer, worship, prophesies, visions, and "pressing into the presence", you receive healing. Sometimes it is immediate, but it's usually an ongoing process. it may take years, but now all of you is open to it. Until you hit a place where you can't seem to receive any more healing or if it isn't happening quite quickly enough, in which case, you simply repeat and submit to the same process for deeper, greater, and faster healing.
It's an exhausting process. And really, this should be happening to some degree on a daily basis if you are in true communion with Jesus so that you can fall into a place where God can use you in power to affect others and bring them life and healing too.
And when you see these changes - a new openness, a new perspective, a closer relationship with the community, a sense of brokenness, a recognition of who you really are in Him, then PRAISE GOD that He did all this work in you.
So... Forget that you spent multiple mentally and emotionally unstable hours daily putting yourself there, either in isolation or in a group encouraging you to do so in order that they could fill you up (and so build their ego)... Oh yes. God did the work, praise Him. And without hurting you. All pain you felt was the result of your past where love was not properly shown to you. All healing has come from God.
In the most mentally unstable parts of my life, I was simultaneously stripped naked (metaphorically) and mentally exhausted, often as my friends stood by, both encouraging and evaluating me, so that GOD could take the credit for any healing that may occur? And, by the way, none of the credit if no healing occurred?
All while my friends looked on, bolstered in their faiths and growing more certain of this unshakeable truth, while I kneeled, wasting away and shrinking in order to please God and the community he surrounded me with. And I praised him through it - just as I "ought".
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